NET Assistant Professor Paper II Electronic Science Syllabus - REQMAT BLOGSPOT
NET Assistant Professor Paper II Electronic Science Syllabus

NET Assistant Professor Paper II Electronic Science Syllabus

REQMAT BLOGSPOT - Nareddula Rajeev Reddy NRR

# Source (Internet): krishnacentralacademy.



  • Operational Amplifier (Basics, Integrator, Differentiator, Summer, Logarithmic Amplifier)
  • Diode Circuits (Rectifiers, Filters, Clipper and Clamper)
  • Transistor (Basics, Stability, Biasing techniques, H Parameter)
  • Multistage Amplifier and Cascaded amplifier
  • Feedback Amplifiers
  • Oscillators
  • Power Amplifiers


  •    Logic gates
  •    Combinational circuits (MUX, DEMUX, ENCODER, DECODER, Adder, Subtractor)
  •    Sequential circuits ( Flip-Flop, register, counter)
  •    ADC / DAC
  •    Logic family
  •    Number system and codes


  •    Amplitude Modulation: DSBFC, DSBSC, SSBSC, VSB)
  •    Angle Modulation: Frequency Modulation and Phase Modulation
  •    FDM, TDM
  •    Sampling Theorem
  •    PCM, DPCM, DM, ADM
  •    ASK, PSK, FSK
  •    Information Theory
  •    Random Variable


  •    Basics (KVL, KCL, Mesh analysis, Nodal analysis)
  •    AC circuits (RMS value, Average value, Resonance)
  •    Network Theorems (Superposition, Thevenin, Norton etc)
  •    Two port network
  •    Graph theory
  •    Transient


  •    Block diagram reduction
  •    Signal flow graph
  •    Time response analysis
  •    Routh Hurwitz Criteria
  •    Root Locus Technique
  •    Frequency Domain Analysis
  •    Polar Plot
  •    Nyquist Plot
  •    Bode Plot
  •    State Space Model


  •    Basics about semiconductor
  •    Semiconductor Diode
  •    Power Switching Devices (SCR, DIAC, TRIAC etc)
  •    BJT
  •    FET
  •    IC Fabrication


  •    Classification of Signals and Systems
  •    LTI System
  •    Fourier Series (CTFS, DTFS)
  •    Fourier Transform (CTFT, DTFT)
  •    Laplace Transform
  •    Z Transform
  •    DFT


  •    Electrostatics
  •    Magnetostatics
  •    EM wave
  •    Transmission Line
  •    Waveguide
  •    Antenna


  •    Introduction of 8085
  •    Programming of 8085
  •    Interrupts
  •    Interfacing
  •    Addressing modes
  •    Basics of 8086, 8253/54, 8257 etc.


  •    Basics
  •    Microwave generation and amplification
  •    O-type tubes, M-type tubes
  •    Solid state microwave devices
  •    Read diode, TRAPATT, IMPATT, Gun diode etc
  •   Measurements


  •    Basics
  •    Sample Programs

Brief Details

1. UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) is a national-level exam conducted by the University Grants Commission (UGC) for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship in Indian universities and colleges.

2. The UGC NET exam covers various disciplines, including science, social sciences, humanities, and languages.

3. The UGC NET electronic science exam is one of the disciplines covered by the UGC NET exam, and it tests the candidate's knowledge in the field of electronic science, which includes topics such as electronics, communication systems, computer science, and information technology.

4. The UGC NET electronic science exam is conducted in two papers: Paper I (General Paper) and Paper II (Special Paper).

5. Paper I covers general topics such as fundamentals of electronics, digital electronics, microprocessors and microcontrollers, computer organization and architecture, computer networks, and computer applications.

6. Paper II covers specialized topics such as digital signal processing, VLSI design, communication systems, optical fiber communication systems, microwave engineering, and computer graphics and visualization.

7. The UGC NET electronic science exam is conducted in online mode using a computer-based test (CBT) system.

8. The UGC NET electronic science exam is a multiple-choice question (MCQ) format with negative marking for incorrect answers.

9. Candidates who qualify the UGC NET electronic science exam are eligible for Assistant Professor positions in universities and colleges and are also eligible to apply for Junior Research Fellowship positions in Indian universities and institutions.

General Description:

1. Electronics: Electronics is the study of the behavior and control of electrons in various devices and systems. It involves the use of electronic components such as diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits to design and build electronic devices.

2. Digital Electronics: Digital electronics deals with the design and implementation of digital circuits using binary digits (bits) to represent information. It involves the use of logic gates such as AND, OR, NOT, and XOR to perform logical operations on binary inputs.

3. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Microprocessors and microcontrollers are integrated circuits that contain a central processing unit (CPU), memory, and input/output (I/O) interfaces. They are used to control and automate various systems and devices, such as computers, automobiles, and appliances.

4. Computer Organization and Architecture: Computer organization refers to the physical structure of a computer system, including its components such as CPU, memory, I/O devices, and buses. Computer architecture refers to the functional organization of a computer system, including its instruction set architecture (ISA) and memory management unit (MMU).

5. Computer Networks: Computer networks are systems that allow multiple computers to communicate and share resources over a network. They use various protocols such as TCP/IP, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi to transmit data between devices.

6. Digital Signal Processing: Digital signal processing (DSP) is the use of digital techniques to process analog signals such as audio, video, and images. It involves the use of digital filters, transforms, and algorithms to manipulate signals in various ways.

7. VLSI Design: Very large scale integration (VLSI) design involves the design and fabrication of integrated circuits with thousands or millions of transistors on a single chip. It requires the use of computer-aided design (CAD) tools and techniques to optimize circuit performance and reduce power consumption.

8. Communication Systems: Communication systems refer to the transmission of information over a network or channel using various technologies such as radio frequency (RF), fiber optics, satellite communication, and wireless communication.

9. Optical Fiber Communication Systems: Optical fiber communication systems use optical fibers made of glass or plastic to transmit data at high speeds over long distances using light signals. They are used in various applications such as telecommunications, data centers, and medical imaging.

10. Microwave Engineering: Microwave engineering deals with the design and implementation of microwave devices such as antennas, amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, and filters for various applications such as wireless communication, radar systems, and satellite communication.

Recommended Books:

Here are some study materials for UGC NET Electronic Science:

1. "Electronic Devices and Circuits" by Boylestad and Nashelsky - This book provides a comprehensive understanding of electronic devices and their applications.

2. "Digital Electronics" by R.P.Jain - This book covers the fundamental concepts of digital electronics, including logic gates, flip-flops, counters, and registers.

3. "Electromagnetic Theory" by David K. Cheng - This book offers a detailed explanation of electromagnetic theory, including Maxwell's equations, wave propagation, and transmission lines.

4. "Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design" by Donald Neamen - This book explores the analysis and design of microelectronic circuits, including MOSFETs, BJTs, and operational amplifiers.

5. "Control Systems Engineering" by Norman S. Nise - This book provides an introduction to control systems engineering, covering topics such as feedback control, stability analysis, and controller design.

6. "Analog and Digital Communication Systems" by Martin S. Roden - This book covers the principles and techniques of both analog and digital communication systems, including modulation, demodulation, and error control coding.

7. Previous years' question papers and practice sets - Solving previous years' question papers and practicing with mock tests will help you understand the exam pattern and improve your problem-solving skills.

Additionally, you can refer to online resources such as video lectures and online tutorials for further understanding and revision. Remember to create a study schedule, take regular breaks, and revise regularly to enhance your learning experience. Best of luck with your UGC NET Electronic Science preparations!

  • ugc net electronic science syllabus
  • ugc net/slet: electronic science
  • general details and description 
