Creation of AWS EC2 Instance is very easy with these steps - REQMAT BLOGSPOT
Creation of AWS EC2 Instance is very easy with these steps

Creation of AWS EC2 Instance is very easy with these steps

REQMAT BLOGSPOT - Nareddula Rajeev Reddy NRR
  • Click “Launch instance”.
  • Select “Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Base”.
  • Select “General Purpose”- t2.micro (which is free tier eligible)[or required].
  • Click “Next”.
  • Leave the settings default and click “Next”.
  • Click “Next”.
  • Leave the default settings and Click “Next”.
  • In Key type as “Name” and value as “Windows 2016 instance” (relevant).
  • Click “Next”
  • In Security group, create a new security group “Testing_Sec_Group”. By default AWS allows RDP (3389) [or required] for management purpose of the server.
  • Click “Review and launch”.
  • Click “Launch”.
  • Create a new key pair and type the name of the key pair then Click “Downlod key pair”.
  • Click “Launch Instance”.
  • Now you have created the instance successfully.
  • Click “View Instances”.
  • You need to wait up to status checks is 2/2.
  • Now you can able to view the public ip address as above ( and LAN IP address as ( Then we need to connect the instance by using RDP. [IPs will vary as per CIDR]
Note: Make sure to have details like names, tags, types, ports, permissions, etc. as per your needs and requirements.

Creating and Login to Windows Instance (by using AWS EC2)

Configure Webserver in Windows: Configure IIS in Windows Instance

Configuring Apache Web server in Linux instance

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