Simply know about the Docker and Puppet | DevOps Ten People - REQMAT BLOGSPOT
Simply know about the Docker and Puppet | DevOps Ten People

Simply know about the Docker and Puppet | DevOps Ten People

REQMAT BLOGSPOT - Nareddula Rajeev Reddy NRR



  • Command - docker service
  • Version
  • Containers
  • Images
  • Volume
  • Bridge
  • Installation of Docker
  • Intermediate commands of Docker

Puppet Class Notes - Document

  • Introduction of Puppet
  • What is Puppet?
  • Why do we use Puppet?
  • How Puppet works?
  • Puppet Architecture
  • Puppet Architecture Components?
  • Puppet Master
  • Puppet Agent
  • Catalog
  • Manifests
  • Resources Types
  • Sample syntax
  • Samples of Resources
  • Verify the openssh package
  • Create a /etc/devops file
  • Start httpd service
  • Classes
  • How the puppet connections are getting established between puppet master and puppet agent node?
  • Build Lab for Puppet
  • Prerequisites
  • Install Step by Step

DevOps - Ten Types of People

  • Developers
  • IT operations professionals
  • QA/testing professions
  • Project Managers
  • IT Managers
  • IT executives
  • Business stakeholders
  • IT Security professionals
  • Consultants
  • IT Vendors

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