Steps to Configure | Create an AWS VPC Virtual Private Cloud - REQMAT BLOGSPOT
Steps to Configure | Create an AWS VPC Virtual Private Cloud

Steps to Configure | Create an AWS VPC Virtual Private Cloud

REQMAT BLOGSPOT - Nareddula Rajeev Reddy NRR

  • In AWS console, click “VPC”.
  • Click “Create VPC”.
  • While create VPC, Name tag as “Sansbound_VPC” and IPV4 CIDR Block as
  • Then click “Create”.
  • Then We need to create subnet for the VPC.
  • While creating subnet, Name tag as Sansbound_Public_subnet, VPC as “Sansbound VPC” Availability
  • zone – 1B (Optional) and IPV4 CIDR Block as
  • Then click “Yes, create”.
  • Now we need to create an instance (windows 2016) in North Virginia.
  • Select “Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Base”
  • Select “t2.micro”.
  • Select “Sansbound VPC” , subnet: Sansbound_Public_Subnet and Auto assign “Enable”.
  • Leave default settings and click “Next”.
  • In Key as name, Value as North Virginia Public Internet
  • Create a security group as “NVG_Public_Sec-Group”.
  • Leave the settings default.
  • Click “Choose an existing key pair” / create an new key pair as per your requirement.
  • Click Launch instance.
Note: Make sure to have details like names, tags, permissions, ports, CIDR etc. as per your needs and requirements. Private IPs depends on the CIDR taken.

Configure / Create an AWS VPC Virtual Private Cloud
