S3 Basic Configuration - Versioning | Static Website Hosting - REQMAT BLOGSPOT
S3 Basic Configuration - Versioning | Static Website Hosting

S3 Basic Configuration - Versioning | Static Website Hosting

REQMAT BLOGSPOT - Nareddula Rajeev Reddy NRR
  • Click “S3”.
  • Click “create bucket”
  • Type bucketname as “Sansbound2017” (as you wish) and click “Next”.
  • Leave the settings by default and click “Next”.
  • In Manage public permissions, click “Do not grant read access to this bucket” drop down button.
  • Click “Grant public read access to this bucket”.
  • Click “Next button.
  • Review the configuration and click “Create bucket”.
  • You can able to see that bucket is publicly accessible. Click “Sansbound2017” bucket.
  • Click “Upload” button to upload your files.
  • Click “Add files” to add files into bucket.
  • Browse and locate the “Republic day.jpg” file and click open.
  • Click “Upload”.
  • Click the “Republicday.jpg” file to get the URL path.
  • You can able to see the URL path of Republicday.jpg object/file.
  • You need to provide public access to the object / file.
  • Click make public. You have got success information.
  • Try to connect the bucket from internet. We have got the image successfully.

Enable versioning
  • Click “s3” and then click “Create Bucket”.
  • Type bucket name as “Sansbound-versioning” and click “Next”.
  • Click “Versioning”.
  • Click “Enable versioning” and click “save”.
  • You can able to see versioning is enabled.
  • Leave the settings by default.
  • Review and click “Create Bucket”.
  • Click “Sansbound Versioning” bucket.
  • Click “Upload”.
  • Click “Add files”.
  • Locate the file sansbound.txt
  • Click “ Open”.
  • Click “Upload”.
  • File has been successfully uploaded. File size is 38.0 B
  • Modify the sansbound.txt file content in your location and need to reupload the same file.
  • Click “Upload”.
  • Click “Add files”.
  • Locate the sannsbound.txt file and Click “Open”.
  • Click upload to reupload the updated / modified file sansbound.txt.
  • File has been successfully uploaded and file size is 76.0 Bytes.
  • If want to view the previous versions of the files, click “Show” button.
  • Can able to view the previous versions as below.

Configure static web hosting:
  • In S3, click “ Create bucket”.
  • Click “aws.sansbound.com” and click “Next”.
  • Leave settings by default.
  • In manage public permissions, click the drop down button and select “Grant public read access to this
  • bucket”.
  • Click “Next”.
  • Click “ Create Bucket”.
  • Click “Upload”.
  • Click “Add files”.
  • Locate the index.html file and then click “Open”.
  • Click “Upload”.
  • Select the object and Click the “index.html” file
  • Click “make public” and copy the URL.
  • Now the URL has been successfully marked as Public.
  • Click “Static Website hosting”
  • Click “use this bucket to host a website”. Type the index.html in text box.
  • Then click “save”.
  • Copy the URL from Static website hosting.
  • Can able to access the web server successfully.
Note: Make sure to have details like names, tags, permissions, etc. as per your needs and requirements.

AWS S3 Basic Configuration - Versioning | Static Website Hosting

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