Configuring Elastic Block Store EBS Volumes - Snapshot | AMI - REQMAT BLOGSPOT
Configuring Elastic Block Store EBS Volumes - Snapshot | AMI

Configuring Elastic Block Store EBS Volumes - Snapshot | AMI

REQMAT BLOGSPOT - Nareddula Rajeev Reddy NRR
  • Click “EC2”.
  • Click “Launch Instance”.
  • Select “Windows Server 2016 Base”.
  • Select “t2.micro” (or required).
  • Click “Next”.
  • Leave default settings and click “Next”.
  • Leave default settings and click “Next”.
  • Key as “Name” and Value as “Windows 2016 EBS” (or relevant).
  • Click “Next”.
  • Create a new security called “Mumbai Sec Group” (or related).
  • Click “Review and Launch”.
  • Leave default settings and click “Launch”.
  • If have existing key choose an existing key pair and select the Key pair. Other wise you need to
  • create an new key pair. Click “ I acknowledge”.
  • Click “launch Instance”.
  • Click view the instance.
  • Server is getting ready, wait up to 2/2 status checks.
  • Click “Actions”
  • Click “Get Password”.
  • Click “Choose File”.
  • Locate the “Eveningaws.pem” file (or created one).
  • Click “Open”.
  • Click “Decrypt Password”.
  • You have got the password successfully.
  • Type mstsc in run box, then type the Ip address of the server.
Now we need the modify the volume in AWS console.
  • Click “Volume”.
  • Click “Modify volume”.
  • Type the size is 35GiB. (If you want to make it as 31GiB you can do the same).
  • Click “Modify”.
  • Click “Yes”.
  • We have got information that Modify volume request succeeded.
  • Right click start menu to get “Disk management”.
After checks and work
  • Go to Volume, click “Create Snapshot”.
  • Type Name as “SansboundAMI” and Description as “Sansbound AMI” (or as you wish)
  • Snapshot creation has been started.
  • Click snapshot menu, now snapshot is completed.
  • Now we need to create an image by using the snapshot.
  • Click “create image”
  • Type name as SansboundAMI (given)
  • Description as SansboundAMI (given)
  • And Select Hardware-assisted virtualization
  • Then click “Create”.
  • Go to AMIs, able to see that image is available.
  • Go to instances, Click “Launch instance”.
  • Click “My AMIs” then select Sansbound_AMI (choosen/given).
  • Select “t2.micro” (or required).
  • Click “Next”.
  • Leave default settings and click “Next”.
  • Leave the default settings and click “next”.
  • Key as Name and Value s “Windows 2016 AMI”.
  • Select using existing group “Mumbai sec Group”.
  • In this stage you will get some message that we need to permit port 22 / ssh to access the system.
  • Please Leave that click “Continue”.
  • Click ”Launch”.
  • Select the eveningaws key and click “Launch instances”.
  • Now the server is ready.
  • Go to snapshots. Select snapshot and then right click. Delete.
  • Go to AMIs, Then you need to deregister the AMI image, it will shows some error.
  • Click “Deregister”.
  • It will take some time to remove.
Note: Make sure to have details like names, tags, types, ports, etc. as per your needs and requirements.

Configure AWS EBS Volumes, Snapshot and creating AMI

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