Aptitude Reasoning English Computer Questions with Answers - REQMAT BLOGSPOT
Aptitude Reasoning English Computer Questions with Answers

Aptitude Reasoning English Computer Questions with Answers

REQMAT BLOGSPOT - Nareddula Rajeev Reddy NRR

Source: http://sreedattha.ac.in/placement-paper-1

Aptitude Reasoning English Computer Questions with Answers

1) Find the sum of all integers between 60 and 600 which are divisible by 17.
A) 10608
B) 26898
C) 23608
D) 90098

Answer: A

The first integer, after 60 which is divisible by 17 is 68
And the 1st integer, before 600 which is divisible by 17 is 595.
Therefore the sequence of integers between 60 and 600 which are divisible by 17 is
68, 85, 102,…,595
We have to find 68 + 85 + 102 + … + 595
It is an A.P with a = 68 and d = 17 and t(n) = 595
The formula to find nth term in A.P is, t(n) = a + (n – 1)d
Here, a +(n – 1)d = 595
68 + (n – 1)17 = 595
(n – 1)17 = 527
n – 1 = 31
n = 32
i.e., the 32-nd term of sequence is 595
We know that the sum of first n terms of the A.P series = s(n) = (n/2)[2a + (n – 1)d]
Here, s(32) = (32/2)[2(68) + (32 – 1)17]
16[136 + 31(17)]
16[136 + 527]
16[663] = 10608
Hence the required sum is 10608.

2) A team of 32 players are to be divided into two teams’ seniors and juniors of 12 and 20 players. The average percent points obtained by the junior team are 150 and the average percent points of all the 32 players is 152. What are the average percent points of the senior team?
A) 154.1
B) 153.2
C) 155.3
D) 156.4

Answer: C
Solution:- Average Points of juniors = 150 And the number of juniors = 20. Total score obtained by juniors = 150 x 20 Average score of (juniors + seniors) = 152. Total number of players = 32 Total score of (juniors + seniors) = 152 x 32 Total score of 12 seniors = 152 x 32 – 150 x 20 Required average = (152 x 32 – 150 x 20)/12 = (152 x 8 – 150 x 5)/3 = (1216 – 750)/3 = 466/3 = 155.3. Hence, the answer is 155.3 points.

3) Amal bought 5 pens, 7 pencils and 4 erasers. Rajan bought 6 pens, 8 erasers and 14 pencils for an amount which was half more than what Amal had paid.What % of the total amount paid by Amal was paid for pens?
A) 37.5%
B) 62.5%
C) 50%
D) None of these

Answer: B

Let, 5 pens + 7 pencils + 4 erasers = x rupees
so 10 pens + 14 pencils + 8 erasers = 2*x rupees
also mentioned, 6 pens + 14 pencils + 8 erasers = 1.5*x rupees
so (10-6) = 4 pens = (2-1.5)x rupees.
so 4 pens = 0.5x rupees => 8 pens = x rupees
Total score of (juniors + seniors) = 152 x 32
so 4 pens = 0.5x rupees => 8 pens = x rupees
Required average = c
amal) i.e 5/8 = 500/8% = 62.5% is the answer

4) A motorboat can cover 10 1/3 km in 1 hour in still water. And it takes twice as much as time to cover up than as to cover down the same distance in running water. The speed of the current is ?
A) 3 4/9 km/hr
B) 2 1/3 km/hr
C) 4 km/hr
D) none of these

Answer: A

Let the speed of upstream be X km/hr.
Then, speed in downstream = 2X km/hr (since boat takes twice as much as time to cover up than as to cover down the same distance in running water).
Speed in still water = (2X+X)/2 km/hr. (formula 3)
= 3X/2 km/hr.
Given that, boat covers 10 1/3 km in 1 hour in still water.
Therefore, 3X/2 = 10 1/3
X = 62/9
So, speed in upstream = 62/9 km/hr.
And, speed in downstream = 2 x 62/9 = 124/9 km/hr
Hence, speed of the current = [(124/9 – 62/9)]/2 km/hr
= 62/9×2 = 34/9 = 3 4/9 km/hr.

5) I. 1324802, II. 344578, III. 127449 IV. 868623, Which of the above numbers are perfect squares? A) I only
B) III&IV only
C) II only
D) III only

Answer: B

We know the property that, the unit’s digit of a perfect square cannot be 2, 3, 7 or 8.
Since, the numbers 1324802, 344578 and 868623 are ending with 2, 8 and 3. So, we can discard them.
Hence, the perfect square of given numbers is 127449.

6) A debugging program rectify 0.128 errors in every second. Approximately how many seconds will it need to rectify 25 errors?
A) 109
B) 261
C) 195
D) 201

Answer: C

Time taken to rectify 0.128 errors is 1 second.
Time taken to rectify 25 errors,
Errors Time
0.128 1
25 ?
Here the number of errors has been increased, so time also increases. Hence error is directly proportional to time.
? = (25 / 0.128)1
? = 25 x 1000 / 128
? = 195.31
Therefore, time taken to rectify 25 errors is 195 sec approximately.

7) If pq=28 where p and q are whole numbers then which of the following will be (p2 - q2)?
A) 32
B) 83
C) 783
D) cannot be determined.

Answer: C

Given that, pq=28 and p, q are integers.
The factors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28.
Then the possibilities of pq = 28 are (p,q) = (1, 28), (2, 14), (4, 7), (7,4), (14, 2) and (28,1)
We would have p > q since the given options are positive.
(That is, if p < q then (p2 – q2) will be negative).
Therefore, the possibilities of (p, q) reduced to (7,4), (14, 2) and (28,1).
If (p,q) = (28,1) then (p2 – q2) = 282 – 12 = 784 – 1 = 783.
If (p,q) = (14, 2) then (p2 – q2) = 142 – 22 = 196 – 4 = 192
If (p,q) = (7,4) = (p2 – q2) = 72 – 42 = 49 – 16 = 33
From the given options, required answer is option c.

8) In a simultaneous throw of two dice, the probability that 1st die is a divisor of 2nd die is:
A) 1/18
B) 5/18
C) 7/18
D) 2/9

Answer: C

Total number of outcomes in the simultaneous throw of 2 dice is 6 x 6 = 36.
That is, n(S) = 36.
Let E be the event that 1st is a divisor of 2nd.
Then E = { (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),(2,4),(2,2),(2,6),(3,3),(3,6),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6)}
N(E) = 14.
Required probability = p(E) = N(E) / n(S) = 14/36 = 7/18.

9) In a conference hall, 56 members are seated by the following arrangements.

After the rst women, one man seated. After the second women, two men are seated. After the third women, three men are seated and so on. How many numbers of men are seated in the second half of the arrangements?
A) 27
B) 25
C) 24
D) 26

Answer: B

The seating arrangement will be

From the above diagram, we can see that the second half arrangement is :
Here, there are 25 men in the above arrangement.

10) Ravi went to the hospital on Monday. Doctors made some check up and they asked to come three days before the two days after the next day of day after tomorrow. When will Ravi go to Hospital?
A) Friday
B) Saturday
D) Wednesday

Answer: D

Ravi went to hospital on Monday.
Then, three days before Monday is Friday and the two days after Friday is Sunday.
And the next day of Sunday is Monday and the day after tomorrow of Monday is Wednesday.
So, Ravi will go to hospital on Wednesday.

11) The Calendar for the year 2013 is the same as for the year?
A) 2020
B) 2018
C) 2017
D) 2019

Answer: B

For calendar to repeat exactly, the dates and days have to match perfectly.
Consider 2014 :
Any date on 2014 will correspond to same date on 2013 advanced by one day. (same logic used in first question.) For example if Jan 1 is Tuesday on 2013, then Jan 1 will be Wednesday on 2014.
Year             2014     2015     2016 (leap year)    2017   2018    2019
Advanced  days   1       1       2                     1       1       1
In 2019 the total number of advancements will be 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 7 . Any week has seven days. Hence advancement of 7 days also means the days are going to be the same for any dates. That is if 1st Jan on 2013 is Tuesday, then 1st Jan on 2019 will also be Tuesday.
Hence the calendar for the year 2013 and 2019 is the same.

12) If AEGI is encoded as CH how CEDH will be encoded.

Answer: C

Inspecting the encoding of AEGI :
Pairing two-two letters we have AE GI.
The middle letter between A and E is C and the middle letter between G and I is H.
Similarly applying the same logic to ACDF we get
Pairing two-two letters, we have CE DH
The middle letter between C and E is D while the middle letter between D and H is F
Hence the answer is DF.

13) If you place 9 coins in 4 squares of equal size such that each side of every square should contain 2 coins then the number of coins which are shared by all 4 squares is ?
A) 5
B) 4
C) 3
D) 6

Answer: A

Required figure is:

Here, squares with side of 2 coins are 1-2-5-4, 2-3-6-5, 5-6-9-8, 8-7-4-5 and 2-4-8-6.
Required 4 squares of equal size are 1-2-5-4, 2-3-6-5, 5-6-9-8 and 8-7-4-5.
The coins that are shared is 2, 5, 8, 6 and 4.
Hence the required answer is 5.

14) The distance between AC is 40 units, AB is 13 units and BC is 37 units. The distance between BD which segments perpendicularly AC is 12 units, then what is the ratio of AD to that of CD ?
A) 2:5
B) 1:4
C) 2:3
D) 1:7

Answer: D

From the question, we can infer that the triangle would be a scalene triangle.

From the above diagram, we have to find AD and CD.
By applying the Pythagoras theorem for the triangle BAD,
BD2 + AD2 = AB2
AD2 = 132 – 122
AD = 5
Similarly for triangle BDC,
BD2 + CD2 = BC2
122 + CD2 = 372
CD2 = 1369 – 144 = 1225 = 352
CD = 35
Or alternately, CD = AC – AD = 40 – 5 = 35
Now, the required ratio is AD : CD = 5 : 35 = 1 : 7
Hence, the answer is 1:7

15) Louis Pasteur, a scientist walked one day 20 km towards North. He turned left and walked 40 km . He again turned left and walked 20 km. Finally he moved 20 km after turning to the left. How far is he from his starting position?
A) 20 km
B) 30 km
C) 50 km
D) 60 km

Answer: A


Louis Pasteur started from his place and went 20 km towards north. Then he turned left and walked 40 km. At this stage he turned left and walked 20 km. Finally he moved 20 km after turning left. It may be seen that his present position is 20 km from the starting point. The starting point is to his right side now.

16) If 51 + 23 = 37, 62 + 34 = 32 and 59 + 49 = 27 then 84 + 56 = ?
A) 28
B) 38
C) 39
D) 29.

Answer: A

General form is add the given two numbers and divide the results by 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively, to get the answer.
That is,
51 + 23 = 74 = 74 / 2 = 37
62 + 34 = 96 = 96 / 3 = 32
59 + 49 = 108 = 108 / 4 = 27
And, 84 + 56 = 140 = 140 / 5 = 28.
Hence, the required answer is 28.

17) Consider the following three statements. P is shorter than R, Q is taller than R, S is taller than Q. Based on the above statements, state which of the following is true ?
A) S is the tallest of all
B) R is taller than S
C) None of the above

Answer: A

S is the tallest of all, is the correct answer. The second option is not true because S is taller than Q who in turn is taller than R.

18) A can complete 1/8 of a piece of work in 5 hours; B can complete 80% of the same piece of work in 3 1/3 days and C can complete 2/3 of the work in 1 1/12 days. Who is the fastest worker?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) B and C

Answer: C

A takes 5 hours to complete 1/8 of work.
He will take 5 x 8 = 40 hours to complete whole work.
B takes 3 1/3 days to complete 80% of the work;
i.e., he takes 10/3 days = 10/3 x 24 hours = 80 hours to complete 80% work.
Therefore, whole work will be done by B in 100 hours.
C takes 1 1/12 days = 13/12 days to complete 2/3 of work.
i.e., he takes 13/12 x 24 hours = 26 hours for 2/3 of work.
Therefore, whole work will be done by C in (26 x 3/2) = 39 hours.
And he takes minimum time to do the work.
Hence, C will complete the work first.

19) Three dice are tossed together. The probability that sum of the three gives value greater than 12 is ?
A) 1/12
B) 7/72
C) 4/81
D) 5/36

Answer: B

Total number of outcomes in the simultaneous throw of 3 dice is 6 x 6 x 6 = 216.
That is, n(S) = 216.
Let E be the event that sum of the three is greater than 12.
Then E = {(6,1,6), (6,2,6), (6,3,6), (6,4,6), (6,5,6),(6,6,6), (5,2,6), (5,3,6), (5,4,6), (5,5,6),(5,6,6), (4,3,6), (4,4,6), (4,5,6),(4,6,6), (3,4,6), (3,5,6), (3,6,6), (2,5,6), (2,6,6), (1,6,6)}
Therefore n(E) = 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 21
Hence p(E) = 21 / 216 = 7 / 72.

20) Find the number of customers to showroom A everyday out of three showroom A, B and C. I. The average customers of the three showroom is 15, every day. II. The number of customers to A is more by 2 than the customers to C and 1 more than the customers to B.
A) I only
B) II only
C) I & II
D) none of these

Answer: C

From statement I, Total customers to three showrooms = (15 x 3) = 45.
From statement II, Given that A = C + 2 and A = B + 1
By sub. A = B + 1 in A = C + 2 we get,
B + 1 = C + 2
B = C + 1
Total Number of Customers = 45
i.e., A + B + C = 45
Sub. values for A and B,
C + 2 + C + 1 + C = 45
3C = 42
C = 14
Hence, I and II together gives the answer.

21) What is the Output of the program ? main() { int x=10,y=5,p,q; p=x>9; q=x>3&&y!=3; printf("p=%d q=%d",p,q); }

Answer : 1 , 1

22) What is the Output of the program ? main() { int i=+1; while(~i) printf("vicious circles") }

Answer : Continuous Loop

23) The fastest memory is
D) Main memory

Answer: C

24) What is the sizeof(long int)
A) 4 bytes
B) 2 bytes
C) compiler dependent
D) 8 bytes

Answer: A or C

25) State True or False. Recursion Type Programming can be used to generate

Fibonacci Series in ‘C’ .

Answer: True

26) Editor : magazine ::
(A) captain : ship
(B) actor : movie
(C) director : lm
(D) player : team
(E) jockey : horse

Answer: A

27) Read each sentence to nd out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5.
1) This suggestion was
2) placed down a few years ago
3) because of a suspicion that
4) the best o cers will quite.
5) No error

Answer: 2

Section Directions for Questions 28-31: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.

Few areas of neuron behavioural research seemed more promising is the early sixties than that investigating the relationship between protein synthesis and learning. The conceptual framework for the research was derived directly from molecular biology, which had shown that genetic information is stored in nucleic acids and expressed in proteins why not acquired information as well.

The first step towards establishing a connection between protein synthesis and learning seemed to be to block memory (cause adhesion) by interrupting the production of proteins. We were fortunate in finding a non lethal dosage of puromycin that could, it first appealed, thoroughly inhibit brain protein synthesis as well as reliability produce amnesia.

Before the actual connection between protein synthesis and learning could be established however we began to have douche about whether inhibition of protein synthesis was in fact the method by which puromycin produced amnesia. First, other drugs, glutavimides themselves potent protein synthesis inhibitors either failed to cause amnesia in some situations where it could easily be induced by puromycin or produced an amnesia with a different time course from that of puromycin. Second, puromycin was found to inhabit protein synthesis by breaking certain amino acid chaim, and the resulting fragments were suspected of being the actual cause of amnesia is some eases. Third, puromycin was reported to cause abnormalities in the train, including seizures. Thus, not only were decreased protein synthesis and amnesia dissociated, but alternative mechanism for the amnestic action of puromycin were readily suggested.

So, puromycin turned out to be a disappointment. It came to be regarded as a poor agent for amnesia studies, although, of course, it was poor only in the context of our original paradigm of protein synthesis inhibition. In our frustration, our initial response was simply to change dregs rather than our conceptual orientation. After many such disappointments, however, it now appears unlikely, that we will make a firm connection between protein synthesis and learning merely by pursuing the approaches of the past our experience with drugs has shown that all the amnestic agents, often interfere with memory in ways that seem unrelated to their inhibition of protein synthesis. More importantly, the notion that the interruption or intensification of protein production in the train can be related in cause and affect fashion to learning non seems simplistic and unproductive. Remove the battery from a car and the car will not go Drive the car a long distance at high speed and the battery will become more highly charged. Neither of these facts proves that the battery power the car, only knowledge of the overall automotive system will reveal it mechanism of locomotion and the role of the battery with in the system.

28) The primary purpose a the passage is to show that extensive experimentation has
A) Mot supported the hypothesis that learning is directly dependent on protein synthesis
B) Cast doubt on the value of puromycin in the newer behavioural study of learning
C) Revealed the importance of amnesia in the neuron behavioural study of learning
D) Demonstrated the importance of amino acid fragmentation in the induction of amnesia.
E) Not yet demonstrated the applicability of molecular biology to behavioural research.

Answer: A

29) According to the passage, neuron behaviourists initially based their belief that protein synthesis was related to learning on which of the following?
A) Speci c research into learning on which of the following
B) Traditional theories about learning
C) Historic experiments on the e ects puromycin
D) Previous discoveries in molecular biology
E) Now technique in protein synthesis.

Answer: D

30) This passage was most likely excepted from
A) A book review in a leading journal devoted to genetic research.
B) A diary kept by a practicing neuron behavioural research
C) An article summarizing a series of scienti c investigations in neuron behavioural research
D) A news paper article on recent advances in the biochemistry of learning
E) A technical article on experimental techniques in the eld of molecular biology.

Answer: C

31) It can be inferred from the passage that after puromycin was perceived to be a disappointment, researches did which of the following?
A) They continued to experiment with puromycin until a neuron anatomical framework was developed.
B) They continued to experiment with puromycin, but also tried other protein synthesis inhibitors
C) They ceased to experiment with puromycin and shifted to other promising protein synthesis inhibitors.
D) They ceased to experiment with puromycin and re-examined through experiments the relationship between genetic information and acquired information.
E) They continued to experiment with puromycin, but applied their results to other facts of memory research.

Answer: C

32) The government should ________ with the industry about what would be a
_________ price for certain essential drugs.

A) negotiate, reasonable
B) deal, transparent
C) appeal, negotiable
D) raise, genuine
E) refrain, uniform

Answer: A

33) Rituals play an important role in ____ growth and growth of our minds to its full _____.
A) cultural, measure
B) religious, maximum
C) mystical, exposure
D) traditional, limits
E) spiritual, potential

Answer: E

34) We are certain that the snowstorm was …..
A) immutable
B) extraneous
C) unavoidable
D) inherent

Answer: B

35) Please distribute these sweets...…
the children
A) in
B) between
C) amid
D) among

Answer: D

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