A manuscript is a written document that contains original research, scholarly articles, or creative works that are submitted to a publisher for consideration of publication. The manuscript typically includes an abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and references.
The manuscript plays a crucial role in the publication process as it is the primary document that the publisher evaluates to determine whether it meets the journal's standards for quality, originality, and relevance. The manuscript undergoes a rigorous peer review process, where other experts in the field evaluate the research and provide feedback to the author. Based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations, the editor makes a decision to accept, reject, or request revisions to the manuscript.
If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the publisher will edit and format it according to the journal's style guidelines and prepare it for publication in an issue or online. The author will receive proofs of the manuscript for review and approval before it is published.
In summary, the manuscript is the foundation of the publication process as it represents the author's original research or creative work and undergoes a critical evaluation by peer reviewers and editors before being published in a reputable journal or book.
- Manuscript has an abstract and keywords
- Text is structured
- Objective/research question is clearly stated in Introduction
- Introduction answers the question “why is the research under consideration required and important for the international community?”
- Methods (and/or theoretical framework) is described in detail and in full
- Citations are formatted correctly and properly and appear on the list of references
- Manuscript is prepared according to English for Academic Purposes
- Arguments and conclusions are substantial and justified
- Manuscript is original, it has not been published neither in part, nor as a complete work. It is not under current consideration in another publisher
- References are mainly foreign scientific articles published in recent 5 years
- Manuscript contain the results of the research conducted by the author(s) and their discussion
- Research contributes to the international knowledge