Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare certificate download login register website
- www.cowin certificate download
- login
- www.cowin register yourself
- website
- register
- cowin gov in registration login
- self registration
- registration online
Q: How to register for the vaccine?
A: Registration is only through the Covin website / Health Setu app . Other Apps / Website / Walk-in / Spot registration will not be allowed. Register using mobile number and Aadhaar number. Follow the simple steps guided by the website, register and select your vaccination center by pincode / district. You will receive an SMS confirmation. Keep it safe.
Q: Can I reschedule my vaccination appointment?
A: Yes. You can reschedule until the previous day.
Q: What vaccines are available?
A: Currently, Kovshield (Oxford-Astrogenene vaccine) and Kovaxin (Bharat Biotech) are available. The SPUTNIK-V vaccine and other vaccines are expected to become available in due course.
Q: How much should I pay for the vaccine dose?
A: The price is decided by the state government / private vaccine provider / Government centers (free).
Q: I'm a teenager. Is COVISHIELD safe?
A: Yes, it is completely safe. Millions of people worldwide have received COVISHIELD with very rare side effects. And, even in the unpleasant scenario of a serious adverse event, there are fixed management protocols. There is nothing to fear.
Q: I am pregnant. Can I receive the vaccine?
A: Studies are ongoing to demonstrate the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant women. Right now, do not take the vaccine. If you accidentally receive the vaccine while you are pregnant, there is nothing to worry about, and the pregnancy is completely safe.
Q: I'm in my days. Can I get vaccinated?
A: Yes, you can. Please do not believe the fakes and rumors related to it.
Q: Which of the vaccines is best for me - CoviShield or Kovacin?
A: Both are equally effective in preventing mild, moderate and severe COVID. Choose what is available to you at the vaccination center.
Q: I was a kid. I believe I have a good immune system. Do I still need to be vaccinated?
A: Yes. No one is safe from COVID-19, not even the best and healthiest of individuals. Safer than sorry.
Q: I hear that people are still testing for COVID-19 positive after receiving the first dose of the vaccine. Is it also useful?
A: Most reports of such health care professionals, by the nature of their work, are always at high risk for infection. First of all, the rate of infection after vaccination is much lower than unwanted. And, despite the occurrence of such an infection, by vaccination, the body has good antibodies to limit the infection to a mild stage, thereby reducing the chance of going on to severe COVID. Therefore, vaccines are useful, can save lives and are effective!
Q: What are the common side effects I expect after vaccination?
A: Fever, headache, body aches, fatigue, injection site pain are common side effects, and they are managed by a short course of paracetamol. Most will settle in 2-3 days.
After receiving the dose, you will notice 30 minutes for any serious or serious side effects and although they are very rare, there will be a definite treatment for each such serious effect.