Atlas MongoDB Multiple Choice Questions MCQ Options Answers - REQMAT BLOGSPOT
Atlas MongoDB Multiple Choice Questions MCQ Options Answers

Atlas MongoDB Multiple Choice Questions MCQ Options Answers

REQMAT BLOGSPOT - Nareddula Rajeev Reddy NRR

Atlas MongoDB - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

1. Which of the following is a NoSQL database?

   a. MySQL

   b. PostgreSQL

   c. MongoDB

   d. SQLite

2. What is the document-oriented data model used by MongoDB?

   a. Key-value

   b. Graph

   c. Document-oriented

   d. Column-family

3. What is the term used to describe a group of documents with a common schema in MongoDB?

   a. Collection

   b. Database

   c. Index

   d. View

4. Which of the following is a primary key in MongoDB?

   a. _id (MongoDB's default primary key)

   b. id (user-defined primary key)

   c. PrimaryKey (user-defined primary key)

   d. None of the above, MongoDB does not have a primary key concept like relational databases do

5. Which of the following is used to define an index in MongoDB?

   a. createIndex() method

   b. addIndex() method

   c. createIndexes() method

   d. addIndexes() method

6. Which of the following is used to query documents in MongoDB?

   a. find() method

   b. get() method

   c. read() method

   d. select() method 

7) What is the name of the MongoDB shell, which allows you to interactively query and manipulate your data? 

   N/A (MongoDB shell is not named, it's just called the MongoDB shell)

8) What is the name of the MongoDB query language that allows you to filter, sort, and project documents? 

   N/A (MongoDB query language is not named, it's just called the query language)

9) What is the name of the MongoDB feature that allows you to perform atomic updates on multiple documents at once? 

   N/A (MongoDB feature for atomic updates on multiple documents at once is not named, it's just called multi-document ACID transactions)

10) What is the name of the MongoDB feature that allows you to shard your data across multiple servers for horizontal scaling?

   N/A (MongoDB feature for horizontal scaling is not named, it's just called sharding)


1. C) MongoDB

2. C) Document-oriented

3. A) Collection

4. A) _id (MongoDB's default primary key)

5. A) createIndex() method

6. A) find() method

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